Konsultstöd av Ellen

Competence Development and Consultancy Services Consultancy Support

Consultancy Support for varied needs

We have many clients whose needs fluctuate over time, and their in-house expertise in digital learning is limited. Does this also apply to your organization? Then our consultancy service is a perfect fit!

HOUR BANK Your need is short-term and defined

You purchase a package of hours to be used as needed and gain access to our top expertise. Quick answers to short questions. For more complex inquiries, we schedule a meeting. This may include, for example:

  • Production support in authoring tools.
  • Consultancy support in Learning Arena.
  • Pedagogical guidance.

SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT Your need is varied and long-term

A subscription service for expertise. The strength lies in building continuity and long-term support in the field of digital learning. Whether you need help with production or strategic guidance, you have a point of contact with us who will guide you. This may include, for example:

  • Getting started with digital learning.
  • Development of more extensive training initiatives.
  • Making a strategic shift in learning.

PROJECT AGREEMENT Your need is well-defined

This is suitable for those with a clear and more extensive need. Depending on the nature of the assignment, different consultants may be required to work on the project. After an agreement with you, we will propose the staffing and approach for the assignment. This may include, for example:

  • A complete production script with finished interactions.
  • of analysis or pre-study.
  • Production of a podcast or educational film.

Want to know more?

Contact us!